Jim Rees RampandPark • Skateparks • Skateboard Ramps • About • Contact Skateparks by Jim Rees all photos by Jim Rees unless specified otherwise ©2011 | ||||
Park Concept
Jim Rees can design a complete skatepark giving you the most park for your budget. Ideally he is involved with the project from the beginning to consult with administrators and the local skaters to establish the site layout, park design and specifications. A preliminary isometric drawing is shown to the skaters, administrators, etc. to help them visualize the design. With their feedback a plan is finalized.
Working Drawing
Drawings and specifications are provided as needed. Engineered drawings can also be provided.
Design Fees
Design services are provided free with a building contract. Designs for bids or other applications are provided for a fee on a per job basis. Engineer services provided at cost.
Isometric Drawing of B-Cubed Skatepark in Moon Township, PA this page.
Skatepark Design
With many years of skating and skatepark design/building experience, skateparks and ramps by Jim Rees are designed to provide skaters of all skill levels with a challenging and safe skating environment. Aside from being a skater himself, Jim Rees consults with skaters from beginner to pro. Then he adapts what they like to his designs. A variety of elements in increasing sizes accommodate different skill levels and give skaters something to learn on and progress toward. Seperate skating areas (ex. halfpipe, street area, bowls, and beginner area) allow a safe layout but provide the opportunity for advanced skaters to create new lines by combining all areas. His designs will keep skaters challenged well into the future.